Not Your Pig

The past two weeks have been, well…you’ve seen the news.

It’s depressing.

Overwhelming at times.

I’m guilty of listening to the news and getting bogged down in all the things…war, recession, overdoses…division, anger, sadness, hopelessness...

And then I am reminded that in my own little corner of the world, if I look at where my feet are, I am okay.

I am not responsible for things that I can not reach out and touch.

That does not mean head in the sand but it does mean I am responsible for things I can change.

I can not change the hearts of politicians or the thoughts of people who have been divided for centuries.

I can turn on worship music and dance around the living room with my kids until the carpool comes to take them to school.

I can make them a warm dinner.

I can make sure they have clean clothes in their closet.

I can swing by a friend’s house out of the blue just to give her a hug.

I can send a message of encouragement and support to a friend who is going through a difficult season.

I can check on a friend to find out what the doctor said.

I can celebrate a friend’s birthday.

I can color with my child.

I can go for a walk with my dog.

And I can sit on the bathroom floor in front of my space heater and pray for all the things that are way beyond my reach - for loved ones’ health and security, healed hearts, forgiveness, reconciliation. I can pray for God to come on back anytime now and fix this mess of a world.

And really, that’s all any of us can do. Again, my head is not in the sand, but as my old sponsor used to remind me, “Not your pig, not your yard.” (Seriously? How awesome a saying is that? Basically her version of the Serenity Prayer!)

Some problems are not mine to pick up. I’m responsible for what is mine and what I can control. And what a relief because I am not well equipped to solving the problems of the Middle East or global pandemics or really much of anything else.

But I can make my kiddos a healthy meal, tuck them into a warm bed tonight, pray for them, and tell them I love them. And for today, that’s gotta be enough.


Too Much Noise


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