Why I Write

Expectant: one who is looking forward to something

I’ve never been a person who had a word for the year, but 2023 was different. In January, as I was preparing for my day, I had the urgency to write down the word “Expectant” at the top of my planner. Now, in January that is not really surprising, right? We are all hoping for a year different and definitely better than the year before. But when I looked at the word “expectant”, it sat with me. I knew that there was something to it and it was just how I was supposed to approach things in 2023.

By August, I was starting to think that maybe I had gotten that wrong. I mean, the year is almost over and some things weren’t exactly going as I had hoped. But things can change quickly, right?

In August, God said it’s time. I knew what He was talking about and this time, I didn’t brush it off like I did in the past. I’m not a journaler by nature, but this is my feeble attempt to right down the thoughts as they come. How God reveals Himself to me in little bits and pieces so I can share them with you. I’m not a theologian or some uber-Godly woman, but I am a person who is seeking and, for some reason, I think that’s enough right now. My hope and prayer is that these will speak to you and encourage you. Or maybe you can just laugh at whatever nonsense comes out of my mouth. Who knows? But let’s see where this leads us and what lies ahead, because I expect it is going to be something neither of us expected.

Cathleen Collett Cathleen Collett

Vision Fulfilled

When was the last time you got to experience a vision God gave you fulfilled right in your very own living room?

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Cathleen Collett Cathleen Collett


When you’re looking for God, it’s nearly impossible not to find Him.

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Cathleen Collett Cathleen Collett

New Residents

What does it mean to have Christ in you? God Justin an image of our home to help understand this process and I just love it.

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Thirty One Palms Studio Thirty One Palms Studio

Spare Time

Don’t Just turn to God in your Spare time, Turn to Him First

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Thirty One Palms Studio Thirty One Palms Studio


Justin had a vision for this home and we got to see it come to fruition last night.

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Thirty One Palms Studio Thirty One Palms Studio

I’m Not Scary

God uses Indie again to show me how to get to know Him

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Thirty One Palms Studio Thirty One Palms Studio

Come. Sit…and Stay.

The loss of a chicken gave me a glimpse of how God handles our sadness and grief.

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Thirty One Palms Studio Thirty One Palms Studio

French Fry

The loss of a chicken gave me a glimpse of how God handles our sadness and grief.

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